Levels of Ministry connection in the D.I.M.A. Fellowship Covenant Membership

The entities affiliating in the Agreement shall receive the following assistance from Destiny International Ministerial Alliance (DIMA) through the leadership of Bishop Jesse Giddens:

1.    Spiritual Sonship covering for Sons and Daughters who are apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers of like precious faith.

2.    Clarification of one’s vocation and calling.

3.    Licensing and ordination of ministers who are of the Christian faith and who are members in good standing based on Godly living and scriptural teaching.

4.    Spiritual counseling through personal contact, telephone, email and group settings (such as conferences, workshops, gatherings and worship services).

5.    Instructional teaching and emergency assistance as needed.

6.    Spiritual Sonship, which is not necessarily a physical relationship, but a Spiritual relationship.

7.    There must be a birthing within the heart or Spirit of a Spiritual Son or Daughter, which produces such a relationship in them.

8.    From the heart, a member must respect and honor the person you are seeking fathering. A Son/Daughter should willingly submit and serve by means of responding when called upon and yielding ministry gifts.

9.    A Son/Daughter must be willing to receive correction in righteousness.

10.All DIMA members must be willing to be inducted into the organization according to the policies, procedures and guidelines of covenant in the organization.

11.Revelation knowledge will be produced on the inside as a result of consistently listening to CD’s and reading material that God has permitted Bishop Giddens to produce and attending meetings where he speaks.

12.Members are expected to attend member events.

What you can expect to receive by being connected to the DIMA Fellowship is coaching and training on building and developing a progressive and healthy 21st Century church. Ministry emphasis will be on:

1.    Developing strong leadership.

2.    Developing financial strength and stability.

3.    Developing church health and growth.

4.    Developing personal pastoral empowerment, health and growth.


1.    Credibility through association.

2.    Spiritual accountability through association

3.    Free access to all components of ministry

a.    Administrative excellence 

b.    Ministry excellence

c.    Youth, Music, etc… ministries

4.    License and/or Ordination certification

5.    Annual membership enrichment conference

6.    Annual church development strategies

7.    Partnership in global outreach

8. The double blessing portion of Sonship